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Selectmen's Minutes February 27, 2006

February 27, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Richard Leone, Emma Smith and Stephen White.  Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectmen William Roach and Frederick Gallup.

OTHERS:  Road Agent, Tony Bergeron, Police Chief David Cahill, Rick Mastin, Aaron Aldredge, and Carolyn Dube.

The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Emma Smith at 7 PM.


A.  Building Needs Committee

It was remembered that the committee was invited to attend the March 27 meeting, not the February 27.  Discussion was held on what the Board of Selectmen might want the committee to address currently.  The following was determined to be part of the goals for the committee:
                Address what to do with the old Town Hall
                Get involved in the Charrette – Plan NH Grant
                The library and its destination & what to do with old library
                Presently owned Town property – values and possible sales?
                The present Town Hall
                Get involved with the revision of the Master Plan

Emma Smith urged everyone to attend the Master Plan meetings held every third Thursday at the Town Hall at 7:00 PM.  Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that they may want to think of putting money in the budget next year for the revision of the plan as no funds have been put aside for this purpose.  

Richard Leone raised discussion on the library and its possible placement on Ski Tow Hill.    He has heard from quite a few people that they do not want to see it on that site.  Emma Smith stated that this is something that needs to be put before the library trustees for their vote.  The Selectmen can do nothing about this.   Stephen White asked if E. Smith could bring in information to the Board which would let the Board know of the powers and duties of the Library Trustees.  She agreed.  Discussion was also held on if the present library were to be sold, who would get the proceeds?  Stephen White stated that he believed that the Selectmen voted to give all proceeds of the sale of the building to the trustees.  The meeting minutes will be checked to see if this is true.
Board of Selectmen
February 27, 2006

B.  Road Agent, Tony Bergeron – Street Sweeper

T. Bergeron was present to ask the Board’s permission to purchase a 1998 street sweeper for the amount of $11,000.  These funds would come from the Used Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  The fund currently has $23,650.  The Town Manager was voted as the Agent to Expend with the approval of the Board of Selectmen.  T. Bergeron explained that the machine was in good shape.  He now spends $4,000 to $5,000 annually to rent a sweeper.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to approve the purchase of the used street sweeper and authorize the amount of $11,000 to be withdrawn from the Used Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  Stephen White seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


Please see agenda attached to file copy of the minutes.


A.  Gloenco – Letter of Thanks

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that Gloenco has donated a phone system for the new Safety Services Building.  The value of the system is $12,531 and includes 36 partner display phones with modules and a voice mail system.  The Selectmen expressed their sincere appreciation and signed a letter of thank you to Gloenco.  Emma Smith asked D. Nashawaty to thank Dave Williams, fireman, who works at Gloenco and approached the company for the phones.


Police Chief David Cahill introduced two new part time officers he has hired.  They are Rick Mastin and Tim Puchtler, both residents of Sunapee.  Both will be starting the part time academy March 19 and will train for 8 weeks.  They will be ready to be on duty by June.  Chief Cahill reported that he has offered the full time position and will know in a week or so if the offer is taken.  The Board of Selectmen welcomed Rick Mastin and Tim Puchtler and thanked them for their willingness to serve the community.


A.  Update on NH/VT Solid Waste Project

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that on February 10 the Project completed the sale of the 51 acres they owned in Claremont.  The acreage was bought by Wheelbrator and the City of Claremont has plans to take it by eminent domain.  
Board of Selectmen
February 27, 2006-03-02

D. Nashawaty has been working with disposal firms in the area for an agreement for solid waste removal.  The state requires that communities make a 5 year commitment with a disposal firm.

B.  Safety Services Building

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the project is proceeding on schedule.  Some partitions are up in the building.  Police Chief Cahill stated that the basement has already been entirely sheet rocked.  It is hoped the building will be completed by July or August.

C.  Orchard Park Acceptance

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that Town Counsel has approved the deed from New Liden for Dowd Lane and Orchard Circle for acceptance by the Selectmen.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to accept the deed of Dowd Lane and Orchard Circle.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D. Miscellaneous

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that a group of mothers who wish to make a play area at the harbor will come to speak with them at the March 13 meeting.

D. Nashawaty will see if she can get Pat Remick to attend the April 10 Selectmen’s meeting to discuss county taxes.

D. Nashawaty will write a letter to the Building Committee reminding them of the meeting March 27th.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved________________

______________________________          ______________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

______________________________          ______________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White